Sunday, December 8, 2013

christmas tree yamadoris potted up

The firs collected about two weeks ago and heeled in were finally potted up today. All have their faults and failings but certainly might make interesting projects provided they survive long enough.

noble fir, good taper, roots reasonable...

bushy larch, not a christmas tree...

the daddy, great roots and good nebari...

from the other side...

not sure this qualifies as nebari or a swelling in the trunk...

a spindly noble fir compared to the rest...

nordmann fir, relatively thick trunk, roots very poor...


  1. The larch and second fir are lovely. You will be busy Ray

    1. Hi Piotr, yes the larch could be nice, and that second fir has real potential I think. The roots on the fir are really good so it should survive. Maybe I'll bring it to the January workshop...
