Wednesday, February 17, 2016

bonsai morning Saturday 5th March in bunratty

Bud Garden Centre will host a Bonsai Morning on March 5th in Bunratty, County Clare. We will have recurring meeting each month, probably on the first Saturday morning of the month. It offers a chance to connect in the mid-west and help to build further the Irish Bonsai network. It's very much for all levels of interest and experience, so bring a tree or two if you have them, if not just come along anyway...

Monday, February 15, 2016

bonsai workshop 6-2-16 cork

I lifted some of these from ;

Also some good ones on;

all the gang

pine before work
during, although Ian did most of it

raffia, heavy wire and guy wires

some care and attention for a few years to build up foliage

hazel before work

after Ian's styling
larch re-potted

Thursday, February 11, 2016

japanese pruning of cloud pines VIDEO

A short guide to pruning pines (growing in the ground), japanese stlye...

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

bog pine yamadori

I collected some Scots Pines from an area of bog where they had naturally seeded in the last 30-40 years or so. There are mature trees in a nearby drier location which provide the seeds. The seedlings germinate and grow up to 6 feet but then seem to mostly die slowly due to the wet conditions. The largest tree I collected had been driven over by a tracked machine in the past few years and had had some roots torn at the time. It's a bit sickly looking and I'm not that confident, but I've had good success with similar bog pines before so fingers crossed.